

Maria Fernanda Alves Eva Drt 23036


Drama & Vision School Theater 1983
Macunaíma School Theater 1984/1986
Faculdade Anhembi Morumbi – Publicity and Propaganda 1989/1993
Senac - Photography 1989
Faap - History of Art 1996/1997
School of Arts and Crafts – Plastic Arts 1995/1997
Eca Post Graduation Classes - Usp - 2005/2007
TV Workshop – Flavio Colatrello – 2005
Dubbing – Dubrasil – 2006
Senac TV journalism - 2006


Feature Film
2005 “Where will Dulce Veiga walk?” Directed by: Guilherme De Almeida Prado

2006 Mercedes
2005 Hand Detail South America
2004 Telecom
2004 Our Box
2004 Margarine Cyclus
2004 Cyclus Juice
2003 Telephone
2001 Gm
2000 Immovable Planet
2000 Skol
2000 Estadão.Com
1999 Sugar Union
1998 Supra Sumo
1989 Minerva Soap Powder


2000 Paper Pisa
2000 Chiarelli Ceramics
1994 Shopping D

TV shows
1993 Pesca e Lazer Program – Manchete Television Network - Presenter
1993 Note and Note Program - Ana Maria Braga - Rede Record
1988 Programa Bronco – Ronald Golias - Rede Bandeirantes De Televisão

2005 Ministry Of Cities - Institutional
1993 Lego Toys
1990 Vi Exhibition For The Horse Mangalarga Marchador

1994 Shopping D Released - Maksoud
1993 Tv Internal Da Fam Interviews
1993 Course Completion Job - QUALY Margarine - The Best Promotion Plan

2001 Embratel

1988/1989 Cesp – Cesp - Roaming The Fair Campaign In Economy Of Energy - Chapel
1984 The Beginning Of The World - Millor Fernandes - Petronio
1985 Following the Traces - Isabel Setti
1986 The Pissing Lady - Hugo – Hugo
Provision of services in reply to the Cinema Company and O2 Films.













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